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  • A. Pierre - Money in The Bank 2011Smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder match featuring Sin Botcha...Cara, sorry, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, and Kane: Ever since the branding of Raw and Smackdown, the blue brand has always put on the best "wrestling" show. This match featured many future main eventers. Sadly, these guys work there tails off and get drafted to Raw and either survive or never heard from again and eventually released, Chris Masters recently and Chuck Palumbo are two prime examples. This match was good but suffers from what other MIB ladder matches suffer from. You see opponents on and off thru out the match and it's hard to focus on most of the action. Daniel Bryan wins in a shocker. Great opener.

    Kelly Kelly VS Brie Belle: Skip

    Mark Henry VS Big Show: I was surprised how well this match went. Big Show pulled off a few cool moves. Henry wins with world's strongest slam and two splashes. Henry breaks Show's ankle afterwards.

    Raw Money in The Bank featuring Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, The Miz, Alex Riley, R-Truth, Jack Swagger: Everyone grabs a ladder as the enter, bell rings, and they attack Del Rio with it. They then throw the ladders onto Del Rio on the outside. Probably the best five opening minutes to a MIB match but they kept on using a little ladder to reach the briefcase. Miz appears to hurt his knee after falling off the ladder. This match had alot of good spots, a must see.

    World Champion Randy Orton VS Christian: If Orton gets disqualified, Christian will win the title. These two have always had good matches and this was a good way for Christian win the world title considering his persona. I'm just glad Christian's championship regin lasted longer then two days.

    CM Punk VS John Cena: This was the first match I was looking foward too in the longest time. I didnt know what was going happen and it made for a great match. The Chicago crowd was lively and made for a fun experince. This was one helluva good match. Vince McMahon comes down with his new stooge, John Laurintis (who cares how you spell it) and tries to recreate the Montreal incident but Cena puts a stop to it. Punk wins cleanly with the GTS. Vince goes crazy, trying to have Del Rio come out, and cash it in but he fails. Punk slips thru the crowd with the belt after blowing Vince a kiss. I friggin love Punk, always have.

    Overall, one of the best WWE PPV's in years that lived up to it's own hype. The two MIB matches were excellent, Henry-Show was actually good, Orton-Christian just progessed the feud, and Punk-Cena lived up to expectations. WWE is starting to look good after years of being boring and predictable. A must own PPV.
  • Daniel M. Williams - Dr. Dan weighs In on this physician-written MCAT review Length:: 5:46 Mins

    Why have a physician guide your MCAT review? Because you need to learn to think like a physician while taking the test!

    Dr. Dan from the Medical School Podcast explains how to use the Gold Standard MCAT book while you're taking the medical school prerequisite courses. Learn the MCAT material from the very beginning and save yourself a lot of time!

    Good luck,

    Doctor Dan
  • avidstudent - Great valueThis is an excellent value for the price. I have never seen it any cheaper in any store. If you go to Best Buy or any other tech store, the employees will tell you that Kaspersky is one of the best antivirus softwares out there. When I purchased the software last year to renew it, I had to e-mail support several times to troubleshoot renewal problems, but this time around, all I had to do was enter the code. Way easier.
  • Claire Worboys - Fantastic Reading - Productive & Life Changing KnowledgeMatthew Hussey comprises in his book practical and logical techniques on how to Get the Guy that you are really looking for in life. Hussey evaluates verbal and non-verbal body laguage techniques as well as incorporates long forgotten, yet totally realistic tips for this day and age woman on how to be a confidant and sexy woman in a "mans world." Matthew hussey is genious!!!!!