Une grande variété d'antibiotiques et de leurs effets sur le corps humain a causé la classification et la division des antibiotiques en groupes. Par la nature de l'impact sur la cellule bactérienne, les antibiotiques peuvent être divisés en deux groupes - https://antibiotiques-wiki.fr.
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- bluetwilight - Best foundation in my experienceI have been super pleased with this product compared to other foundations. I used to be hooked to liquids and it was a vicious cycle of bad skin = more foundation = worse skin. It's oilfree and delightful. Great coverage with little powder.
With this product, I am getting better skin (it's not 100% where I want but it's much better). It's such a breeze to apply compared to liquids and normal matte powders. I recommend their products highly. My eyes have recently become very sensitive to makeup but I can still use their powder liners and eye shadows.
PS: If this product causes itching, I recommend using exra moisturizer. And you should always wash it off before bed - that's just good makeup sense. - JCossack88 - Best of ShowWhen I was thinking about getting a tablet I considered 3 options: The iPad 2, The Galaxy Tab 10.1, and the Transformer Prime. To be honest I was almost dead set on the GTab 10.1, because it had allshare so I could watch television on my tablet, but I decided to go with this tablet instead. I have had it for about a week so I will tell you what I love, and what I don't.
The Good:
1. IPS+ screen is beautiful. I have never had a brightness issue, and I mainly work outside and I use my tablet all day. It has many brightness settings so you will never have to find a dark area again.
2. Dock station. The keyboard dock is a must for anyone that is going to be doing word processing, massive web use, or needs more battery. The keyboard is awesome and feels very nice. I also like how thin it is when it is closed. Also, because it attaches and detaches I know I won't lose it.
3. Battery life. I am getting well more than a full day of use out of the tablet (with the dock). I work from 7-5 every week day, and use it in the morning to catch up on my news, listen to music, and watch videos. During the workday I use it for about an hour to read over my appointments, create to-do lists, and jot down notes. On my drive home I do some homework for another hour. As soon as I get home I finish my homework and immediately use youtube, netflix, and the web. Now by the time I go to bed (usually around midnight) I have about 90% on the tablet and 30% battery on the dock, so you will never have to find a plug anywhere. But if you just use the tab, you may need a mid day short charge, and it should last well throughout the day.
4. Camera. I own an Epic 4G from Sprint, so this camera is wayyyy better than my phone. It captures images in full 1080p. I also like the camera app this device comes with. Every control is right under your thumb so you never have to move around the screen, which has been great. I do not take a lot of pictures with my tablet, but when I do it is good to know I have a great option.
5. Built in office suite. The TFPrime comes with Polaris office, which is a full office suite, with a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation builder. They save in microsoft office formats so you can do everything from your tablet. The tab also has a file manager in it, so if you are a student and need to locate your documents to send, you can find them easily in the file manager. This tablet has completely replaced my laptop due to this feature alone.
6. Speaker. I was a little sceptic about the single speaker in the back, but I found that it is amazing! It is very loud and you do not really need to cup your hand to transfer the noise to the front (unless there is a lot of background noise around you).
7. Processor. The Tegra-3 Quad core processor is blazing fast! I saw the video from c-net that said the iPad 2 was better, but its not, there is no slowing this tablet down. I even had 15 programs open at once and noticed no change in the speed. transferring between screens on other tablets is very slow, but the screen changes in real time now that I have this one.
The Bad:
1. Wifi connection: My specific model (which is a C series serial number), has had some issues connecting to wifi. It has only happened twice in the past week, but usually if I just squeeze the top while trying to connect it will connect (which I should not have to do, but it is better than nothing).
2. Finger prints. You will get fingerprints EVERYWHERE on this thing. The screen, the body, the bottom....everywhere. But it comes with a cleaning cloth that is very very very durable, and I noticed that if you clean it right away, you won't have a problem. But if you wait to clean it, you may find it harder to clean. If not, you can just use a little water on your finger and wipe it clean.
If you are thinking about getting this or an iPad you should seriously consider your options. Many people that have iPhones and iPads love my tablet. Mostly because iOS does not have widgets or scrollable wallpapers. Also, you can download many different keyboard apps to help on screen typing to become much easier by using just your thumbs. Also, take into consideration the aspect ratio. The iPad is a 4:3 and this tablet is a 16:4. 4:3 is old square screen (back from the turn of the century), so if you view a lot of widescreen material, which is most media now a days, you will be diassapointed viewing on the iPad, because it will leave two big black bars on your screen (which ultimately makes the image smaller). If you ever watch some commericials on HD channels, some of the commercials are not in HD format so you will notice two black bars on each side of the screen, that is what the iPad is. So when it does view HD or widescreen media, it is not full screen (which annoys me, and is why I decided against the iPad). On this, widescreen is the format, so there are no black bars. - Harriet Klausner - excellent thrillerIn Clayton Falls on Vancouver Island, thirtyish realtor Annie O'Sullivan hosts an open house in which hardly anyone visits. She is about to call it quits as a failed day when a nicely attired man arrives. Annie thinks she may have a sale, which would help her overcome the nasty taste of the argument she had with her mom. Instead he abducts her taking her to a remote shack in the mountains.
Annie eventually escapes after a year-long imprisonment by an obsessed lunatic. However, the ordeal is far from over as she visits a psychiatrist to explain her trepidations then and now since the police have not captured her psychopathic kidnapper who she fears will come back for her, but insolently refuses to be a victim a second time, physically or emotionally.
The ordeal is told by Annie to her psychiatrist is so emotional readers will cringe at what she went through, still going through and will be going through with one last twist. Annie makes the tale as the emotional scars will be with her for the rest of life. This is a one sitting tale by what may be the best debut thriller of the year.
Harriet Klausner - cs211 "cs211" - Best short story collection in recent yearsEditor Laura Furman has been overseeing the choice of stories for the O. Henry Prize story collection for more than a few years now, and I feel that with this year's volume she finally has honed her selection mechanism to make good choices ninety percent of the time. Only two of the twenty stories were duds, in my opinion, with the rest being worthwhile reads at a minimum. As a result she has produced her best volume ever, and one of the best short story anthologies that I have read in a long time (I also read the "Best American Short Story" anthology every year). So if you are looking for a great sampler of state-of-the-art short story writing, look no further.
It is rare for me to agree with the jurists, but this year two of the three jurists and I all agree that the best story in the collection is Yiyun Lee's "Kindness". Some of this may be due to the interest I and others have in what life is like for commoners inside China. The subject of the story is an introverted Chinese woman, and the plot, such as it is, covers the very few significant interactions with others that she has in her life. The story, which might actually be lengthy enough to qualify as a novella, touches the reader's heart and soul by showing how in even the bleakest circumstances there are human connections that can sustain an individual.
Other stories which I particularly enjoyed were:
--Kevin Wilson's "A Birth in the Woods", which although perhaps a bit over-the-top in the events it describes, does illustrate the degree to which the beliefs of parents can impact a child.
--Ann Packer's "Things Said or Done", which revolves around an adult broken family and which illuminates some of the challenges of marriage and aging.
--Steven Millhauser's "Phantoms", a story about a town inhabited by phantoms that illustrates the many ways, both bad and good, that people treat folks who are strange or different than them.
The two duds were John Berger's "A Brush", which tried to create something from nothing but failed, and Wendell Berry's "Nothing Living Lives Alone", which was so forgettable that I've forgotten why I didn't care for it.
As always I urge readers to check out short story collections as a great way to get exposed to a variety of different authors in a short amount of time. You can't go wrong by choosing and reading this volume. - R. Elliott Ingersoll - A Beautiful AgnosticismSam Harris is one of my heroes. While I remain a practitioner of meditation and yoga, spent 30 formative years in the Anglican church, I am more than anything, an ancestor of Robert Green Ingersoll, the great agnostic of the 19th century and Sam Harris writes with all the compassion and eloquence of my ancestor.
His new book is one of the best arguments I've read since Patricia Churchland's "Brain Wise" for including science in our moral compass. In this book Harris deals fairly with questions about mind and brain and offers copious caveats in his notes about the limits of fMRI and similar brain-scanning technologies. Still he successfully defends the point that science has more to tell us about morality than religion.
I am awed by the depth and breadth of his argument and while I totally disagree with his materialist premises, he would be the first to admit they are premises freely chosen, and, I like to imagine, enter into dialogue with me. I would much rather live in a society fashioned by scientists like Harris than religious demagogues. Five stars for an amazing work!
I hope I get to meet this great man and discuss these ideas. He has forced me to reconsider my "dual substance" views more than any author I've read.