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  • Jeffrey Leach - Don't mess with this lady!You know it's Christmas (or some other break away from the grind of school) when I start reading and reviewing political screeds! The controversial conservative talking head Ann Coulter is someone I've wanted to read for a long time. I checked out a few of her relatively short articles on the Internet, but not enough to get a real feel for her sarcastic writing style. I passed on "Slander" and "Treason," choosing instead to peruse her latest work "How to Talk to a Liberal." I think reading this book was a good choice for an introduction to her worldview. It's a compilation of her articles on various topics dating back to the 1990s, touching on everything from the pernicious lying at the New York Times, the Clintons, gun control, drug legalization, activist judges, CBS news, the 2000 Election imbroglio, feminism, Teddy Kennedy, terrorism, Elian Gonzalez, the Confederate flag, race, John Kerry, and just about any other issue of concern to both liberals and conservatives over the last ten to fifteen years. If you've ever seen Ann Coulter tearing it up on the television talk shows, you know what you're in for with "How to Talk to a Liberal." Terms like "polemicist" apply in spades here.

    And thank goodness someone like Coulter finally came along. For far too long we've had to sit by while kooks like James Carville, Paul Begala, the entire editorial staff at the New York Times, and dozens of other card carrying members of the American Left debase the public forums. Yes, I'm saying Coulter goes over the top, but I'm also saying, "Who cares?" I agree wholeheartedly with her assertion that conservatives unfortunately strive to earn the Left's approval no matter what the cost. Late stage democracy simply doesn't abide such quaint, antiquated concepts like personal integrity or public virtue--which explains why Clinton served two terms in the White House--so the conservatives might as well get down in the gutter and bellow with the best of them if republicans want the public to hear their opinions over the babble. Coulter says as much in the introduction to the book, a lengthy list of what one should do when confronted with a member of the leftist species: don't back down in a fight, don't give up before the argument even begins, make every effort to outrage liberals and leftists, don't be defensive, never apologize for anything, never compliment a Democrat or play nice with them, and do not allow liberals to bribe you into joining their cause.

    The introduction is a smorgasbord of pithiness, sort of a rapid fire version of Ann Coulter whittled down to a few pages, but the real joy are the dozens and dozens of articles that follow. Never afraid of calling it like she sees it, the author blasts our lovable left-wingers every chance she gets. You want to talk about Ted Kennedy? Ann does, bringing up again and again his failure to open a car door for a lady at Chappaquiddick, his penchant for drinking, and his rapid removal from college for cheating on a Spanish test. Best Kennedy rebuke? Ann imagines herself at a confirmation hearing responding to an inquiry from the senator with, "We'll drive off the side of that bridge when we come to it, Senator Kennedy." Ouch! Of course, none of these comments would be necessary if the good senator from Massachusetts quit trying to set himself up as the irreproachable voice of the Democratic Party. To be fair, I think Coulter goes overboard with the frequent references to Kennedy's well-known love for liquor since he supposedly quit the sauce a few years ago, but that is really beside the point according to the author. Liberals refuse to play fair, so why should conservatives persistently take the high ground only to fall prey to the Left's scurrilous attacks? Call her what you will, but at least she's up front about where she stands.

    Coulter's primary target of attacks is the New York Times. We all know how secondary and tertiary newspapers and television stations rely on the Times for their news leads. We also know the Times is so biased toward the left that it barely qualifies as journalism let alone as an independent news organization. Jayson Blair, anyone? You remember him: he was the Times reporter that sat in a bar somewhere in New York City all day inventing his stories. The newspaper, afraid to fire him because of his race, printed retraction after retraction while they shifted him around to different departments. When the story finally broke in the national news, the New York Times tried to shrug the whole thing off. Coulter reminds us how the Blair incident constitutes only one small part of a larger, more dangerous ethical quandary faced by a newspaper proclaiming to be an unbiased source of information. She exposes the left-wing partiality at the Times repeatedly, proving how the paper unswervingly supports radical social, political, and economic positions near and dear to lefty hearts. I wondered if it was a joke that a blurb from the New York Times on the back cover of the book said, "A great deal of research supports Ms. Coulter's wisecracks." Do you think the paper fired the employee who wrote that comment?

    Every conservative or libertarian, and even political moderates for that matter, should enjoy the articles contained in this book. You definitely don't even need to be a diehard right-winger to giggle over Coulter's acerbic witticisms, just someone tired of listening to the same "progressive" drivel day after day. I think I may yet get around to reading "Slander" and "Treason" if they share in any way, shape, or form the keen insights and amusing quips found in this book.
  • Patnporky@aol - Where is Calvin Cool;idge when we need him?This fascinating study of "Silent Cal" will become a favorite of those enjoying politics and the people partaking. I went from knowing nothing about Mr. Coolidge to a dedicated believer in his parsimonious ways, his focus, dedication and loyalty. This book also reflected on the changes that can affect any person being President. Coolidge was as prepared as anyone for the job and yet left the office a physically ill, disillusioned man after six years. In spite of his disappointments he did reduce the budget, he did reduce the size of government, and he did leave his successor, Herbert Hoover, in much better fiscal condition than he had inherited. Another surprise....."Silent Cal" inspired the American people with his Yankee beliefs that budgets are to followed and one's word honored even at great personal pain.
    A truly entertaining, informative and even inspiring book!