
Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine - Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine

Country: Europe, RO, Romania

City: Bucharest, Bucuresti

  • The Mooper - Machine Washable AwesomenessOddly, I only recently became aware of the The Mountain Men's Three Wolf Moon Short Sleeve Tee, but I moved quickly to secure my own piece of Machine Washable Awesomeness. As soon as it arrived, I knew I was in for something special, as the Fed Ex guy delivered it while wearing a personal rocket pack, that I believe he uses to jet around the country, personally handing out these Tees.

    As the rocket smoke cleared, I ripped open the delivery envelope and slipped on my shirt, which at first I though was far too large for me, but strangely my torso automatically expanded to the required girth. Almost immediately, I gained voracious appetite for Moon Pies and High Fructose Corn Syrup, which I was able to satiate with a quick trip to my local Walmart (there is a special VIP cashier for Three Wolf Tee wearers).

    And it was only then, upon my return to my trailer, that the full power of "the Boys" was realized. No sooner had I stepped foot into my rusting Airstream, than my girlfriend accosted me with such a ferocious passion, that she knocked out my only remaining tooth and, sheared off the axles on my trailer! Needless, to say, life has been good ever since. Indeed, the only time I have left my trailer since was to burn all of my other clothes - once you wear the Three Wolf Tee, you will never want or need to wear anything else.

    Warning - do not wear this shirt if you value a life of mediocrity , or if you want to remain invisible to women.
  • sancarrworkout - Wonderful Product get it!!!And a distributor that gets it, as soon as I ordered the product I received a welcome, and instructional email. A product that is good and works, on time delivery and well packaged how can you not get behind that kind of effort. I was taking the pills but when my sister sent me a recommendation for this product I jumped at it the pills worked and they were ok but I had been looking for the liquid for better absorption 5 stars....