Une grande variété d'antibiotiques et de leurs effets sur le corps humain a causé la classification et la division des antibiotiques en groupes. Par la nature de l'impact sur la cellule bactérienne, les antibiotiques peuvent être divisés en deux groupes - https://antibiotiques-wiki.fr.
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- "lbk98x" - knock it offyeah, i keep hearing how terrible pink floyd is without roger waters, but give me a break. he's not going to come back, so get over it and enjoy. no, this isn't the trippy kind of music they used to do, but it's still a really good CD, and one of my favorites. "Coming Back To Life", "Lost For Words" and "High Hopes" are great songs. don't go into this expecting the concept albums they used to do, just listen to it for what it is: a great CD.
- Julia P. Lynde - EnjoyedI liked this novel. Radclyffe does a good job presenting the medical aspects of her novels while making the story about the people, not the medicine. I like that.
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- Aaron Strout "Social Marketing Guy" - Age of Context and Internet of ThingsIf you remember the award-winning movie, Jerry McGuire, featuring Tom Cruise and Renée Zellweger, you'll recall one of the signature lines, "you had me at 'hello.'" In this case, the same thing could be said about Robert Scoble and Shel Israel's new joint effort, "Age of Context" for three simple reasons:
1) I am a huge location-based marketing fan and am a bigger believer in the future of "wearable" computing
2) I am personal friends with both Robert and Shel and have talked about many of the concepts discussed in the book with them.
3) I sit on the advisory board of one of the companies featured in the book, VinTank. In my mind, what CEO, Paul Mabray, and CTO, James Jory, are doing for the wine and food industry is game-changing... and it starts with understanding the importance of context.
In addition to the three reasons I list above, there are at least a dozen other reasons I enjoyed Age of Context and appreciated the connecting of the dots Robert and Shel did in the book. Given that I work at an agency that specializes in analytics and places a premium on the digesting, analyzing and providing insights on large sets of data, I couldn't help but appreciate one of the opening quotes in the book that says, "just about everything we enjoy and need online comes to us from data. [Data] is the oxygen of the Age of Context." This phrase in my mind perfectly frames the essence of the book.
Diving into the meet of the book, Shel and Robert discuss five principal forces:
- Mobile
- Social Media
- Sensors
- Big Data
- Location-based Services
Robert and Shel use these forces to provide examples of companies that are either creating the hardware (Google Glass) and software (Findery) OR are putting the five forces into practices (New England Patriots). To that end, the authors also do a good job at providing a brief history of how and why we've arrived at this "age of context." In particular, I enjoyed (and agreed with) Robert and Shel's explanation of why the battle for ownership of mobile maps is so critical for the future of both Google, Apple and to some degree, Facebook.
Last but not least, I was fascinated to hear about the possibilities of sensor-based technology and wearable computing that companies like Pairasight, are making a reality. One of the examples the authors provided was the ability for a "Nashville expert [to] help a country doctor save a life. The 3D capability [of the technology] lets the consulting physician see far more than a simple X-ray could show: The expert can virtually see through the eyes of the local doctor wearing Pairasight during an operation." Not only is this stuff cool but it will help save lives!
If there is one piece of constructive feedback I would give to Robert and Shel, it is that they over-index a little on their use of Google Glass as a focal point in the book. It's understandable given the impact and possibilities this seminal technology provides... but still, it is only one device.
In summary, this was a quick and easy read and left me feeling smarter about a space that I already feel pretty smart about. While I was fortunate enough to receive a complimentary review copy (digital), I will be purchasing a copy of the book to keep in our work library. I highly recommend that you do so too. - Laura Nemeth - Simple to useI bought this camera because I wanted a mix between a bulky digital SLR camera and a point and shoot. It is the perfect fit for me. I am a novice photographer and this camera has been very user friendly. I choose it after watching many youtube videos on different cameras. I really wanted to play with it before purchasing, but there are no stores where I live that carry cameras like this. I am very happy with my purchase. The touch screen to capture is a really fun feature. The auto focus works really well too. Before buying I did talk to a guy who had the camera, his only advice was that in bright sunlight the screen is very difficult to see. Because of this I did buy the electronic view finder. I have found it somewhat useful so far, but have not been with the camera in too bright of sun yet. I like that the viewfinder does not take the place of an external flash, since the camera has a built in flash.