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  • Dale Craig - Harnessing Unbridled AmbitionSheryl Sandberg believes that not enough women are CEOs or close to it. She is less concerned about what happens in the corporate world below that level. Hanna Rosin, in "The End of Men and the Rise of Women" (2012), demonstrates how women now largely dominate middle-level management and also college graduate numbers. So male college finishers and men occupying middle-level management positions are more and more scarce, while the industrial and hard labor jobs are also drying up. This can lead to widespread dependency on women and a loss of self-respect for males within families.

    Both these books are extremely valuable, and they are complimentary, but you wouldn't know that from reading Sandberg's book. She even manages to misspell Rosin's name in the end notes, and doesn't include her in the index. It's unfortunate, because taken together, these two books give a broad picture of what's happening to the roles of men and women in the workplace.

    The primary purpose of Sandberg's book is to inspire, and she's very effective at this. She urges women to aim high, be brave, insist on a place at the meeting table, and pay attention to the likeability factor, which can be summarized as: "If a woman is competent, she does not seem nice enough. If a woman seems really nice, she is considered more nice than competent."

    Here's how to get a job: a senior director of marketing at eBay came to visit Sandberg and told her, "I want to apply to work with you at Facebook, so I thought about calling you and telling you all of the things I'm good at and. . .like to do. Then I figured that everyone was doing that. So instead, I want to ask you: What is your biggest problem, and how can I solve it?" Sandberg responded, "Recruiting is my biggest problem. And, yes, you can solve it."

    Sandberg gives excellent protocols for choosing an ideal mentor. She believes that one should bring one's whole personality to work, and show emotion when that is appropriate. Women, according to her, can help create a workplace where it's O.K. to hug, nurture, or even cry. She recognizes the artificiality of having one personality at work and another at home.

    Sandberg urges parental leave for both men and women and even close parking places for pregnant women. But she asks women to work as long as possible and to make plans for returning to work as soon as possible. She sees many women lose promotions and more sophisticated work because they give up too early due to pregnancy or even the thought of one day having a baby.

    Sandberg asks that men and women really share the work in the home 50% - 50%. "As women must be more empowered at work, men must be more empowered at home. I have seen so many women inadvertently discourage their husbands from doing their share by being too controlling or critical."

    Sandberg decries the myth of "having it all" or "doing it all." She no longer tries to work constant 12-hour days and sacrifices some opportunities so she can be with her children at important times.

    Sandberg says that sexist innuendoes such as being labeled a "feminist" should not be ignored, but faced boldly and dealt with immediately. She exhorts women to work together toward equality, citing Betty Friedan's refusing to work with Gloria Steinem.

    Bursting with research and footnotes and replete with helpful anecdotal vignettes, Sandberg's book shines with her sparkling personality and should be read by both men and women.
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