Une grande variété d'antibiotiques et de leurs effets sur le corps humain a causé la classification et la division des antibiotiques en groupes. Par la nature de l'impact sur la cellule bactérienne, les antibiotiques peuvent être divisés en deux groupes - https://antibiotiques-wiki.fr.
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Country: Europe, FR, France
- dream factory - A Hot Little BookI mean hot full of quick hard facts about all the infections your gonna meet in my ER. Some heavyweights come in early (2am) and often. So you get to know you ABX drug of choice pretty well of things like peritonitis, cholangitis, meningitis, cellulitis, NH pneumonia.
But what's new with those weird things that don't come around often enough to be carved into your cerebrum? Like neo fever, botulism, human bites, mastoiditis, immune compromised infections, HIV hepatitis.
Keep this little pocket book handy and you'll learn quick enough to stay afloat down here. The Sanford guide is a complicated dinosaur, the pharmacopeia is too dinky. Pull those rags out during morning rounds and you'll be eating them for breakfast. If we have time.
What I'm getting at; this is the book for ER ID rounds. . . . Ok sure it doesn't have the newest doc for c. Diff (Dificid) or Teflaro or Xerese. But any med book is already outdated the day it's printed. Anyway stay away from that new stuff till it's been tested on the human heard by our learned ID colleagues upstairs.
Ok, get some sleep. Bring your Ritalin. And don't you dare be late. The unit secretary will literally shoot you, then I'll have to sew you up.
And don't lean on them walls, you are doctors now, not scarecrows!! - Reggie27 - Healing any disease yourselfhealing yourself made easy without drugs or sugery, no doctors. Everyone should read and study this book and take charge of your own health. I've seen this system help several friends. No chemo, no radiation, never went to the doctor, never even left the house , check it out folks.
- Amanda Lee - This works!I have never used any protection with my husband in the 9 years I have been with him, Im 26 and figured I couldn't get pregnant. I decided to try this before I go to the doctors and see what they could do for me. I had no idea this would work so fast! I only took this for 2 months then BAM I was pregnant! The pregnancy went great and I had a beautiful healthy baby girl! She is now a year old and I havent gotten pregnant again so I think im gonna order me some more. I had given the rest of my bottle to my neighbor that was trying to get pregnant and 3 months later she was pregnant.
- Colin - Exactly What I expected.I opted for the download file and it went extremely smoothly. Couldn't be happier with the instant delivery. If you're familiar with the old versions of MS Office, then this is no surprise. They fixed a few weird aspects from the last version (zooming, formatting and creating a pdf) and I'm very happy with it. Still surprised by how expensive the program is but I guess in a world where anything can be ripped they have to make their money somewhere. Good purchase.
- Science Goddess - Get in touch with your righteous anger! Length:: 5:01 Mins
Hi, this is Joanne, a bioengineering instructor at the University of Illinois. I read science books and review them. See more at my youtube site
Joanne discusses this important and infuriating book about how industry manipulates scientific data for their own interests.