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  • noname - Fast metabolism DietI started this diet four days ago,I have lost eight pounds! This is so crazy,I am eating more food than I ever have. Haylie' s recipes are so good,I don't feel deprived at all. My body feels really good,also. This diet is very easy to follow and very well written. You would be crazy NOT to buy this book. This will be your last diet,ever.
  • C. Light - Really worksI always use this at any indication of a fever blister and I never get one. Without it I always get one. If I have a breakout without being able to apply it before it surfaces it will help it go away sooner. I do chemical peels on my face and at times if its deep one , a place on my nose will make a blister come up..Ive found using this on that area also prevents it from coming up so if it works for you it will be worth it. I guess its like any kind of medicine but as far as I know its the only one of its kind. I do know its very expensive but my little tube has lasted me over a year. A very little will do you.Its worth a try.
  • Robert S. Robbins - Far Out IdeasI find it useful to follow the interests of the psychedelic undergound but I usually come to my own conclusions. For example, this book may encourage me to explore quantum physics, the Maya culture, and the Hopi Indians but I'm sure to have a different perspective on these subjects.

    Pinchbeck's work seems intellectually derivative. He is a scholar rather than an original thinker. He can always cite an authority for every concept he puts forward. I don't think the psyche is well understood so I'd like to see better concepts developed to explain what is observed. Since Pinchbeck travels around and does a lot of experimentation he should have a wealth of personal observations from which to derive new theories.

    For example, I don't know why the concept that consciousness is evolving is so popular. There is no evidence for this and it seems counter-intuitive. I think this idea originated in Julian Jayne's book on the Bicarmeral Mind and the arguments are unconvincing.

    Now that I think about it, I suppose Daniel has developed some new ideas on prophecy, a subject nobody else is going to touch upon. I kind of filtered that out as I was reading.