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- Ibrahim "A former Muslim" - Julia is a Jewel!I wish the book focused more primarily on writing and had stayed away from too much rambling at times. However, the book is excellent, knowing how it all began from a self-published book that finally won the admiration of Tarcher publisher and was her ticket to fame, which Julia enjoys too much. One thing I love about Julia is the fact that she attributes all creativity to the Great Creator of us all and she is not paid to say that but in fact she has actually experienced that. The goal of the book is to get blocks from artists dissolved and have their lives transformed. This will only happy by engaging the Great Creator, our Lord God Almighty, in discovering and recovering our creative powers. The Great Creator is the One who both liberates us from within and free our own creativity. Another thing I love about Julia is the fact that she is willing to admit up to the fact that there is an artist inside each one of us and that creativity is a fact of our spiritual being that has just to be released. Creativity leads to spirituality, and vice versa. The two are intertwined. I don't invent my creative dreams and yearnings but they do come from a a divine source. We should take small steps in the direction of a dream that the Lord lays on our hearts and we just have to watch synchronicity doors flying open, that is, the will of Providence will assist our efforts. Whatever we think we can do or believe we can do, we just need to begin it now, as soon as possible and stop dillydallying. The minute one definitely commits oneself, Providence moves too. I will experience the hand of God moving through my hand as I writ, and all to His glory.
- C. Carmichael "Chris92071" - Great buyAs a typical Amazon Prime user, I have another tablet, but not the Kindle. When an offer of a Kindle came at a good discount, I bought the 32-GB model.
I am not disappointed.
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As an iPad user, I had some difficulty with the tablet -- from me, the operator. However outside of that, long battery life, and easy to use.
A quality and inexpensive add that is great for watching video, gaming, or just being a Kindle. - Ross Burwell - Excellence and simply the best budgeting software yetI have been using Quicken for many years and upgrade every year. I am a heavy user of Quicken for my investment portfolios and planning purposes. For several reasons, I held off purchasing the 2013 upgrade until now. One of the reasons was the strength of the bad reviews, heavily weighted to the worst I have seen about anything. Intuit has obviously had problems to have received so much bad press by reviewers. From my perspective they have apparently overcome some of the problems. I had a flawless conversion of data and I love the planning and budgeting software. It is simply the best budgeting software yet. Budgeting has now become more functional and easy to use. Intuit has scored big in that area. I see very little difference from the 2012 version otherwise but the budget function alone was worth the price of the upgrade. I must note that many complaints about this release were related to the cloud and I haven't tried that yet. I use Quicken on my desktop and on my notebook when I am traveling. I have an iPad and the concept of having access on my iPad appeals to me. I will probably wait a while to go into the cloud with my data until I am satisfied the speed of data entry will not be sacrificed. I have great confidence in Intuit and know they will get it right in the end.
- A. Boyd - Great book for a trip to UniversalUnfortunately we did not end up going to Universal but I would still recommend this book for a traveler there. It is simple and concise it offers a lot of information in a not so wordy way. It is thin and flexible so if you wanted to you could bring it with you to the park. I would recommend this book to anyone who is luck enough to take a trip to Universal.