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- Pheebie "pheebie" - Six years and still going strongI ordered my Fluidity bar along with the three accompanying DVD's, ball & pump over SIX years ago through the Fluidity website. Since that time, I have used my bar consistently, both with the Fluidity DVD's and more recently with the Physique 57 DVD's. The bar is incredibly well-designed and solidly constructed. Not once have I felt it would collapse or wobble.
As for the Fluditiy DVD's, I adore Michelle's calm and encouraging demeanor and the background music is soft and inobtrusive, which is a welcome change from some DVD's I've used in the past.
I've been active all my life and until discovering Fluidity and other barre-based workouts, I had done "traditional" workouts, including jogging and strength training with free weights and machines, isolating particular muscles or muscle groups. Talk about time-consuming. The beautiful thing about Fluidity is that it works your body naturally with integrated movements. Not only does this make sense physiologically, but it saves time! In 30 or 40 minutes, you've worked ALL of your muscles, even the tiny ones you don't realize are working, thereby creating a long, lean, feminine, dancer's body. Upon completing a workout, you'll feel stronger and healthier, not exhausted or run down. What's more, you're also improving your posture, increasing bone density and strengthening your joints. This is one of the BEST fitness innovations on the market - truly ground-breaking and effective. - Robert Norman "Robert" - works like a charmyes - I agree with some other reviews that several doses a day are too much (unless you never want to leave the bathroom) but once you adjust and see how your body reacts - you can decide how and when to take it. I find once ---maybe twice a day sufficient...and it really does work too~!
- Ellis Weiner - Confessions of an Atheist BullyI'm an atheist bully. I like to drive around on Sundays, looking for crowds of people leaving church. And then what I do is, I run up to them and yell, "Don't be Christians! Be an atheist, like me!" And sure, some of them tell me to go away. But others say, "All right, all right, just leave us alone and we'll be atheists." At that point I say that I'll leave them alone, and I drive on.
Believe me, there's nothing more satisfying to my godless heart than bullying someone into abandoning their most fundamental spiritual beliefs. If you're an atheist, I urge you to try it. And if you're a believer--especially if you're a Christian, since those are the people whom I traditionally persecute and bully the most--I demand that you change your mind, and your beliefs. Because if you don't, I just may come up to you on the playground after...well, after something, and pull your pants down, or shove you into a mud puddle, or something.
Still, I have to admit: Ever since Sarah Palin published this book--and who knows, she may even have written some of it herself--I've felt terrible! I was beginning to wonder if maybe I'm a bad person. Poor Christmas! Poor Christians! Between the atheists and the agnostics and the Muslims and the Jews and the Hindus and the Ba'hai's (or however you spell it) and the Confucians and the Buddhists and the Zoroastrians running all over this country, what will they do?
Then, after reading this book--which I read from front cover to quoted excerpt--I realized what the Christians will do. They'll do what they've always done. They'll bully everybody else in America into thinking this is a "Christian nation."
Thanks, Sarah Palin!