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  • Jamie A. Allen "Piano Player" - Very touching.What a strong girl. I live in Utah and remember the kidnapping, the searching and the return of Elizabeth. It was interesting to hear the other side of the story. I remember her mom and dad never giving up on her. I remember all the prayers in her behalf. I am so sorry for the sexual, physical and mental abuse that she had to go through but what an amazing woman she has become. Thank you, Elizabeth, for your story of hope and survival.
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  • G. Ware Cornell Jr. "anotherlawyer" - Your winter reading begins here!Writers like scientists, stand on the shoulders of giants. While, as Hemingway asserted, "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn." all modern detective fiction owes a great debt, if not an acknowledgment of its origin to Edgar Allan Poe and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

    In White Fire Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston, not only acknowledge that debt to Conan Doyle, they give us a "new" unpublished Holmes story which is key to Aloysius Pendergast solving two sets of crimes, separated by nearly a century and a half. Of these crimes, I will simply say, without fear of spoiling anything, that they are closely tied to the environment of a Rocky Mountain ski resort whose life began as a silver camp.

    To cross not only the Atlantic but the span of time separating these events requires a bit of legerdemain which because of the inclusion of the stand-alone Holmes story is not as hokey as one would expect. And without that connection a great mystery novel would be merely good. One can forgive Preston and Child for this trick, because the trick works spectacularly.

    This is also a tale about Pendergast's young protege Corrine Swanson, now a junior at John Jay in New York City whose ambition places her at risk. If she is someday have her own series, as I suspect is under consideration, her character needs development. We shall see.

    All and all, your winter reading list begins here, althoughI am not sure I would take it to ski Vail this winter.
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