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  • Ann Hibbard - Amazing ResultsI had been following the Weston A. Price diet principle and having really good results...shiny hair, rosy skin, good sleep, reduced allergies, reduced joint pain. However, my weight was creeping up! Yikes! Gates BOD (Body Ecology Diet) has turned that around. I am slowly loosing about 1/2 lb. every week. The main thing is to cut out the stuff she says to cut out, add the stuff she says to add, and combine it the way she says to combine it. Then it works. Not easy at first but is now becoming my default way of eating. My allergies are even less a problem and my knee is letting me workout a little sometimes! Who knew gut ecology could do all that? I look forward to adding back some of my comfort foods which is supposed to be possible once a base line diet is established that works for the individual.
  • PAL - Get Ready To Be ChallengedIn no way was I ready for the impact this book has had on my view of Christianity in America. It is a hard read only because it is hard to swallow the pill that's good for you. Otherwise, it flows easily and can be read in a short time. I wish David Platt would share this to the American world in our megachurch pulpits. This is what the church needs to hear, but she's not gonna like it! I was challenged in my faith and lifestyle and I think 2011 will be different--better--for me because of reading this book. What we've always been taught subliminally in American churches isn't necessarily biblical--Platt brings it back to how Jesus would think about our American Dream.